The Pen is Mightier Read online

Page 6

  “I’ll wait,” I said, taking a deep breath to keep myself calm. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I really hoped it’d be good news. If it was, not only would I have good news, but maybe the pen really was magic.

  “Okay, I’ve got you down.” He smiled at me. “Have a seat. We don’t have magazines, but I’m sure you’ve got a phone, so…”

  “Yeah.” I smirked. “Got that one covered.”

  Making my way to an empty chair, I pulled out the moleskin. Only as I stared at it, that uncomfortable feeling of being watched came over again. I looked around but didn’t see anyone other than the two students, and neither of them were looking at me.

  “Man, I’m losing it,” I mumbled, turning my attention back to the notes that had been written in it before I’d gotten it. What was written there still seemed like gibberish, but if I went with the assumption that the pen had the power to grant wishes, the meeting with the midget as well as his notes made a lot more sense.

  For one, maybe that was how his ID had changed. There was a line about that in there as well as enough to make me think I had it put together, at least a little. The man had seemed bored with his life. He’d probably turned himself into a circus midget intending to spice up his life.

  I swallowed as I reread one of his messages. Had that idle message about not wanting to be bored set everything into motion? Could that be possible? I wasn’t sure, but as I stared at it, I realized that it might very well have. Maybe that was what had precipitated the pen falling into my hands?

  I wasn’t sure, but I was suddenly wary. If this pen was truly magical, would the note I’d written keep those guys from finding me? I had no way of knowing if they were after me, given what had happened with the explosions, but I was pretty sure if they had attacked the midget for the pen, they’d be coming after me next.

  Was that why when he’d let me use it, he’d immediately grown antsy about the whole thing? It made sense, but only if the pen actually worked. So far, it could just be coincidence. Either way, I’d know in a few minutes. If my scholarship was funded instead of being broke, I’d know it was the pen.

  Shaking my head, I tried to put it out of my mind. I didn’t want to get my hopes up and start writing things down, and if it did work, I didn’t want to jinx my scholarship by using up all my magic or something. Once I met with my counselor, I could experiment.

  The next thirty minutes passed so slowly I was sure I’d spent an entire week in that chair. Every time I tried to distract myself, I found my mind filling with delusions of grandeur. Ones I didn’t dare bring to life for fear they wouldn’t work.

  That wasn’t something I could handle given the precarious state of my finances. I’d have to sell a kidney or something.

  I tapped the pen to my lips while glancing at my phone. I could barely concentrate, barely think about anything beyond what she’d say, and at the same time, I was too damned worried about jinxing things to try anything else.

  Getting to my feet, I walked around the room three times before forcing myself to sit down and try to read something on my phone. Only after reading the first line of the same article three times, I put my phone away. It wasn’t helping because I kept glancing at the time.

  Thankfully, before I could completely lose it, the door to the back opened and Miss Montgomery, my counselor, looked over at me.

  She was only a few years older than me, and I’d heard this had been her first job after graduating with a counseling degree. She wasn’t majorly attractive or anything, reminding me more of the girl next door, especially given her choice of dress. Pink cardigan, button up, and pleated skirt.

  “Are you ready, Mr. Stevens?” she asked, arching one flame-red eyebrow at me.

  “You have no idea,” I said, practically leaping to my feet. “I’ve literally never wanted to meet with you more than I do now.”

  “Oh?” Her nose crinkled in confusion, causing the splash of freckles across the bridge of her nose to stand out against her snow-white skin. “Are you expecting something?”

  “You tell me,” I said, following her through the door and toward her office. “Should I be lubing up?”

  “Well, someone’s gotten some pep.” She raised an eyebrow at me. “I honestly don’t know. I haven’t opened your file yet.” She shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out together.” With that, she opened the door to her office, gesturing me inside.

  It wasn’t big by any stretch, barely large enough to hold her desk and a couple chairs. On the wall behind her chair was a large picture of a frog hanging on as a bird tried to swallow it. I’d always sort of hated the picture, the hopeless desperation of the frog struggling against the might of reality, but I got it was supposed to make me feel better even though it mostly just pissed me off.

  The only other decoration in the room was a kitten calendar that hung on the wall to my left with similar style uplifting quotes and pictures. It was like she knew her job was to rape me in the ass. Which, it sort of was.

  “Okay, so, let’s see what this is about.” She gave me a brittle smile as she shut the door and headed toward her chair. “Why don’t you have a seat?” She settled into hers. “I’m afraid I don’t have anything for you to bite down on, though.”

  “Is that a joke because it’s going to be like getting whipped or something?” I asked, surprised at her candor. She’d never quite acted this informally with me, but at the same time, I’d never been as flippant with her either. Hell, I didn’t even know why I was acting this way. I wasn’t normally such an asshole. At least, I didn’t think I was.

  “Yes. Sorry. I guess it wasn’t as funny as I thought it’d be.” She flushed slightly as she opened my file on her computer. Then her eyes got as big as fucking saucers. “Whoa.”

  “Whoa?” I asked, suddenly confused. “What’s it say? Something bad?” My heart started to sink.

  “No.” She swallowed. Hard. “It, um… give me a second, okay?” She took a deep breath, her eyes flicking back and forth as she read through something on her screen.

  “Sure…” As I watched her read, her mouth moving slightly with each word, I fought the urge to leap across the desk and look for myself. I didn’t, but it was a near thing.

  “Okay,” she said, after what felt like an hour. Her green eyes steadied on me, and she smiled. “Seems you’re rich.”

  “I’m rich?” I asked, confused.

  “Well, not actually rich,” she amended before turning the screen so I could look at it. “Look.”

  My account balance had been paid in full, and not just for the balance I’d had. No, it had been paid up through my entire expected tenure of study, and there was at least a hundred grand more in there that could be used for books, lodging, whatever I needed for expenses.

  “No fucking way,” I said, swallowing so hard I nearly choked. My mouth was so dry, I could scarcely work up moisture. It’d worked. Actually fucking worked. The pen worked. My scholarship was funded. Sweet baby Jesus.

  “I don’t know how this happened,” she said, blushing. “But I’m happy for you.” She nodded once. “This is the best news I’ve given, well, ever.” She smiled once more. “As long as you keep your grades up, everything will be fine.”

  Her words made my elation evaporate. My grades weren’t actually all that good thanks to my work/study balance being for shit, but as I had that thought, another one popped into my head.

  “Would you mind checking my grades for me?” I asked, and when she nodded, I pulled out my pad and pen. Then I waited as she chewed on her lip and moused through her screens.

  “Eww…” she stuck her tongue at me. “Not a very good student, are you?”

  I shrugged and jotted down a quick note in the moleskin. “Would you just refresh it? That doesn’t seem right.”

  “Um… I’m pretty sure it’s right.” She moved to turn the screen so I could look. “Barely a C average.”

  “Humor me?” I asked, and she sighed.

  “If you insist.” Sh
e clicked something and waited for a second. Then confusion flashed across her face. “Hum…”

  “What is it?” I asked, wanting her to turn the screen so I could look.

  “You were right. You have straight As. Huh. I wonder if it’s buggy?” She raised an eyebrow at me while turning the screen so I could see my transcript.

  As I stared at the screen and my perfect fucking grades, I let out a whoop of joy. It’d worked. Actually fucking worked. Oh my fucking God.

  “You seem really excited about seeing your grades,” my counselor said, looking up at me as I pounded my fist in the air.

  “Yeah, well, it’s been a good day.” I smiled at her as I forced myself to sit down in my chair and be calm even though all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of here. I had a magic fucking pen, and who knew what else it could do?

  “How so?” she asked, genuinely curious, and as I looked back at her, a really bad thought flickered through my brain. If the pen had caused Amy to fuck me, what could it do to Miss Montgomery? Would it affect her the same way?

  I know it sounds terrible, but a part of me needed to find out. I had to know if the pen could really affect her perception of me, so as she looked at me, I settled on one innocent phrase.

  Miss Montgomery likes me.


  “I really would like to hear about your day, Roger,” she said while I stared at my page feeling a bit sick to my stomach. That was also when I realized she’d called me Roger and not Mr. Stevens. It was odd, but maybe the pen had worked? Or maybe she was just her being nice to me because she liked me?

  “Would you—” I’ll be honest, I would have said more, but as I swung my eyes up to her face, I realized she had taken her hair out of her ponytail, causing her scarlet locks to fall around her face in a frame of red. Her green eyes roamed over me, and she leaned forward on her elbows breathing hard.

  “I really would love to hear anything you have to tell me,” she said, tongue flicking out to lick her lips as she spoke. “Anything.”

  “I’m not sure that you want to hear about my morning,” I said, thinking back to the time I’d spent with Amy. Part of me didn’t want to believe it was the pen, but pretty much every bit of me was sure it was the pen, and I didn’t know how I felt about that.

  “Roger,” she said, reaching out across the desk and touching my hand. “I really would. Please tell me everything that has happened.” She winked at me. “Maybe I could make your day even better.”

  “Um… how could you make it better than finding out my scholarship is funded?” I gestured weakly at the screen.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” She shuffled in her seat for a second, and the next thing I knew, she dropped her panties on the desk. A black see-through number with red hearts on the crotch.

  “You can’t be serious,” I said, swallowing hard. This was not going as planned at all. I hadn’t expected, well, this much.

  “I know it probably seems sudden, but I really like you.” She took a deep breath, causing her breasts to strain against her top. “Still, if you’re uncomfortable, all you have to do is get up and leave through that door.”

  “Look, I can’t,” I said, getting to my feet, and as I did, she rose too, coming around to me.

  “Is it because I’m your counselor?” Her hand reached past me, locking the door. “Because no one will see us.” She gestured around the room. “No windows.”

  “No, it’s because I have a magic pen that is making you like me,” I said before I could stop myself.

  She stood there looking at me for a moment. “Are you being serious?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Anything I write comes true.”

  “That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.” She shook her head, and I saw anger flash across her face. “Do you think I normally do this?”

  “No. That’s my point.”

  “Roger, stop.” She took another deep breath. “I don’t know what your hang up is, but I’m making this choice. Sure, I might like you. Hell, I like you a lot. But this is my choice, my decision.” She pulled her skirt up, revealing her glistening folds. “This wants you a lot too.” She smiled at me. “Don’t you want to find out just how much?”

  “But the pen,” I said weakly because I was not going to be able to stop myself. I just didn’t have it in me. As she reached down and rubbed a finger against herself, I knew I was done.

  “If it is the pen, show me what you wrote.” She nodded to my pad. “If you wrote Felicia fucks my brains out or something, I’ll believe you, but otherwise, well.” She took my hand and put it on her breast. “This is what I want.”

  “I just wrote that you’d like me,” I said weakly. And oddly, admitting it made me feel a bit better. She was right. I hadn’t made her fuck me with the pen. This was her choice. Sure, I maybe kinda might have nudged her toward liking me, but at no time did I expect her to hike up her skirt and ask me to ride her like a fucking pony.

  “Then we’re good.” She stepped closer until her breath was hot on my skin as she spoke. “Because while I might like you, I have self-control. I’m a lady.” Her tongue flicked out, tasting my neck. “And I want to blow you.”

  “You want to blow me?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes.” Her hand slipped down my chest before dipping into my pants. “You might not know this, but I’m kind of a freak. I love casual sex, public sex, basically anything where I can get caught.” She kissed her way up my neck. “And I saw you sitting there, and I thought, well, I know what would be exciting.” She met my eyes before taking a step backward and sitting on her desk. Then she spread her legs, revealing every inch of herself to me. “Now, how about you come over here, and let me have my fantasy?”

  “I will, but just, um, give me one second.” I took a deep breath as she gave me a Cheshire cat smile.

  “Don’t be long,” she moaned huskily and reached down between her legs.

  Then, even though I felt like a total asshat because God fucking damn, I picked up my pen and scribbled out the line I’d written. As I stared at it, feeling my heart sink at what I’d done because I was an idiot, stupid, and ridiculous, the entire line vanished into the ether like it’d never been there at all. Had it worked? Had it undone the spell? It had to have, right?

  “Are you coming?” Miss Montgomery asked, and as I turned toward her, she plunged two fingers inside herself. “Or do I need to do everything myself?”

  “Wait, you still want me to fuck you?” I asked, incredulous.

  “Of course,” she said, licking her lips. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Well, that was that. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I grabbed her thighs and plunged my head between her legs.

  As I began to lick her, she did a sort of shimmy like she was trying to rearrange herself under my tongue, reminding me of something Amy had done last night. Only, unlike Amy, after a few moments, she grabbed me by the back of the head and forcefully ground my face into her while shifting again.

  “You’re really bad at this,” she said, finally pulling me away and meeting my eyes.

  “I am?” I asked, surprised, and I’ll be honest her words sort of brought me back to last night. I wasn’t exactly really good with women, and there had been more than a few times I could tell Amy wasn’t enjoying things as much as she could have been.

  “Yeah,” she sat up and smiled at me. “It’s not your fault though.” She patted my head before pushing me back a bit. “Let’s just skip to the next part, okay?”

  “No, um… let me just regroup, okay?” I tried to smile. “This is your fantasy, right? It needs to be perfect.”

  “It never is.” She gave me a weak smile. “You always think it will be better, but well…”

  “One second,” I said, turning away from her. “Maybe take off that cute shirt? It might help.”

  “Yeah, I guess I haven’t even taken off my bra,” she said, cheeks flushing as she grabbed the hem of her shirt. “Well, I can fix that.”

ing her was hard, but I managed, somehow. Grabbing my pen, I wrote another line in the moleskin.

  I am amazing at sex.

  I wasn’t sure if it’d work or anything, but as I turned back toward her and saw her standing there, I really hoped it would.

  Miss Montgomery had a way better body than I’d expected given the clothing she normally wore. My eyes moved over her flat stomach before settling momentarily on her perky breasts with their pert pink nipples. Like her nose, she had a splash of freckles across them, and before I realized what I was doing, I reached out, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her to me.

  As I moved to suck her nipple, my other hand went lower, fingers slipping inside her.

  “Oh my God, just like that,” she moaned, hands gripping my shoulders so hard her fingernails dug into my flesh. “Just. Like. That.”


  “Please call me,” Miss Montgomery said as I finished dressing. Her hair was disheveled, and the tiny office smelled so much like sex, I needed a breath of fresh air. I wasn’t even sure how long we’d been in here. Hours? Days? Years? All I knew was that I’d gone, and gone, and gone, and yet she kept wanting more. Like my dick was fucking heroin.

  “I will,” I said, winking at her. “You can count on that.”

  As I turned toward the door, she wrapped her naked arms around me, pressing her bare breasts into my back as her hand dipped once more into my pants.

  “Or not… you could stay a bit longer.” I felt her lips on my neck. “We could stay here all day. I could make it worth your while.”

  I’ll be honest. Part of me wanted to stay, to take her up on the offer, but at the same time, I’d been having sex with her only a few moments ago. I knew her mouth was writing checks her ass couldn’t cash. Literally. She needed to recover just as much as me.

  Spinning on my heel, I kissed her hard, my tongue slipping into her mouth, and as she gasped in pleasure, I pulled her hands away.


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