The Pen is Mightier Read online

Page 4

  “Guess I’ll just have to ask Amy about it,” I mumbled, moving past the break room and heading toward her office. It was a bit weird because as I moved, I got the distinct impression, I wasn’t alone in the place, and not in a good way. Sure, Tony the security guard sometimes like to sneak up on me and scare me, but that wasn’t the feeling I had now. No. It felt like I was being watched from on high. Only that was just crazy.

  Resolving to stop being a pussy, I made my way to Amy’s office, and as I approached, I heard someone bustling around inside. Good. She hadn’t stood me up. I did a quick three count, readied three separate excuses for why I was late, and knocked on the door.

  As my knock echoed through the empty building, there was a squeak of surprise from inside, and the shadowy occupant I could see through the frosted glass leapt from her seat before scurrying toward the door.

  When Amy opened it a crack and settled her eyes on me, her face came to life in a way I’d never seen before. Usually, she had a grumpy scowl on her face, but this time? This time she looked at me like I was the most important person in the world. I mean, okay, I could have been wrong, but that was definitely what it felt like.

  “Roger, I’m so glad you came. You must have been so scared.” She pulled open the door, and as she did, I realized that while she was wearing her uniform, she’d clearly forgotten her bra. Her nipples stood prominently at attention, pressing out against the thin white fabric with such force, I could make out every last nuance of her spectacular breasts.

  “It was a bit. I’m just glad I didn’t get shot,” I said, using every ounce of my willpower to tear my eyes from her breasts while trying to remember this for later. God, I needed to remember this forever!

  “Do you wanna talk about it?” she whispered, voice a little hoarse as she reached out and touched my arm with one slender, well-manicured finger. I froze instantly. Amy had never touched me before, ever. Not even casually.

  Hell, I don’t think I’d ever seen her so much as shake hands with anyone at the entire company. She was a cold-hearted ice queen right down to the core, but this? This was fucking strange.

  “Not really. I kind of just want to study,” I said as she put her arm through mine and pulled me toward the small round table in the corner she used for reviews. Before, she’d sat at her desk when she’d done them, but corporate had delivered an edict saying that might make the person on the other side of the desk feel more defensive about performance issues. Since then, our meetings had been at the table.

  Only now, the cherry-red plastic table wasn’t empty or piled high with papers. No. It was covered with food. Expensive food.

  Stranger still, there was an open bottle of wine. And not just any bottle of wine, either. This was a Silver Oak Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. I’d never had it before, but I knew from stocking it in the glass case, that it cost almost a hundred bucks a bottle.

  “That’s fine, Roger, I just want you to have a nice time.” Amy pouted slightly, which was again, something I’d never seen her do. “And I thought to myself, you know what, Amy? Roger deserves a nice night after what happened to him at the carnival.” She nodded to the table. “This is all for you.”

  “I can’t believe you did all this,” I said as she pulled me to the table.

  “How could I not after you nearly got killed.” She shook her head. “It seemed like the least I could do.” Her cheeks reddened. “I just realized that I never really appreciate how hard you work. It’s easy to overlook you because you’re quiet and unassuming, but I realize that you’re the backbone of my team.” She gestured to the spread. “This is my way of thanking you for that.”

  “Wait, hold the fucking phone.” I swallowed hard. “You did all this for me?” I raised an eyebrow. It was way more than I’d expected. “The food? The wine?”

  “Is that so hard to believe?” she asked, licking her lips and taking a step closer, so her breasts pressed against my arm. “Can’t a boss just want to spend time with her number one employee?”

  “Um… am I being punked?” I looked around for the camera. “This can’t be real. I mean, you want to drink on company property?”

  “I do it all the time. How else do you think I can get through all the paperwork?” She moved past me, dragging her breasts along my arm as she did before leaning down and grabbing the bottle. The movement let me see down her blouse, and as I stared, I realized I could see the dark outlines of her nipples through the slits in her shirt.

  I swallowed hard, my mouth going dry. Everything in me knew I should look away, but I just couldn’t. I mean I was seeing my bitchy boss’s perfect tits, and it was everything I’d ever dreamed of.

  “Wine?” she asked, straightening. She held a glass of red out to me. The dark red liquid sloshed up the glass in a way that let me know a single sip would be like heaven.

  “Um… okay,” I said, deciding to just go with it. I accepted the glass, and as I did, she held hers out to me.

  “A toast,” she said, clinking it against my glass. “To my best employee.”


  “Thank you for spending the evening with me, Roger,” Amy said, squeezing my arm as we made our way to the exit a couple hours later. “I’m sorry you didn’t get that much studying done, but I you had some really good ideas about how we can change the place. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to put you in charge of implementing some of them.” She gave me a once over, and I could tell that while she was a bit tipsy from the bottle of wine we had shared, she was totally going to remember this conversation in the morning.

  “I’d be happy to help,” I said, somewhat wishing I’d never said anything at all. We’d spent most of the dinner talking about improvements because, oddly enough, she’d asked me what she could do to better the place. Then she had actually listened when I’d spoken. Neither of those things had happened before. Then again, we’d had dinner together in her office, and that had never happened before either, so…

  “It would, of course, come with a raise.” She smiled at me as we reached the outer door. “How does being Assistant Manager sound?” She frowned slightly. “Honestly, not much would change, but your wages will go up about fifteen percent.”

  “Wow, really? I would love that,” I said, flabbergasted. Becoming assistant manager would definitely get me out of the shittier jobs and get me better hours. That would give me more time to study. Hell, maybe I could even take extra classes and graduate sooner.

  “Great!” She gave me a tight hug that pressed her breasts against my chest for all too short of a time. “I’m going to head back in and draw everything up. That way I can get it signed when the DM comes in for the morning meeting.”

  “Wow, I just don’t even know what to say, Amy.” It was true, I was at a complete loss for why or how this was happening, but at the same time, I was so fucking glad it was happening, I didn’t care. Sure, a succubus was probably going to show up and demand my soul or something, but at the moment, I was going to take this and run with it for as long as I could.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Roger. After all, it’s my fault for not appreciating you before.” She pushed the outer door open, and a cold burst of air hit us. I shivered slightly and looked up at the sky. It hadn’t been stormy before, but it was now.

  “Looks like it’s going to rain,” I said, moving to hold the door. The movement caused her arm to brush against mine, and that brief touch of her warm skin against mine nearly made me forget what I was doing.

  “Yeah.” She nodded, biting her lip. “I’ll have to be quick. I definitely don’t want to get caught out in the rain wearing white.” With that, her cheeks flushed practically scarlet, and she took a step backward, swallowing hard. “Well, um, good luck. Don’t stay up too late, okay? I know you have classes…” She kept looking at me, blue eyes roaming over me as I nodded back to her.

  “I’ll do my best,” I said, wondering if I should make a move on her. I mean, she seemed interested, but at the same time, she was
my boss and had just offered me a promotion. What if I was misreading things? That could turn the tables in a heartbeat. No. I couldn’t risk it.

  “Well, I’ll see you then.” She took another step backward, and as she did, I shut my eyes and walked out the door. As I let it close behind me, I leaned against the wall.

  “I’m an idiot,” I mumbled, wiping my face with my hand. “A real idiot.”

  She had seemed so into me, and while she’d never seemed like she’d liked me at all before, everything in me wanted to turn around and go back inside, to see what would happen. It would be a risk, sure, but maybe it would work out?

  Still, I could lose my job, or worse, get branded with sexual harassment. Was that a risk I, of all people, really wanted to take? My job at the superstore barely kept me afloat as it was. While I did have the money from the midget, that would only hold me over for so long.

  Losing my job would mean I’d have to find another, but even knowing all that, I put my hand in my pocket and felt my keycard. I turned and looked at the door once more, wondering if I should try it, anyway. After all, if she did fire me, I still had the money from the midget. It’d buy me time to find a new job.

  “You know what, fuck it.” I took a deep breath and heart hammering, slid my card across the reader. It blinked once, the light flashing green, before releasing the lock.

  Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the door and opened it to find Amy standing there.

  “Amy, I didn’t realize you were right there,” I said before I could stop myself. Truth be told, I couldn’t tell you how I had even managed to say that much because my heart was thundering louder than a storm with embarrassment. While I’d planned to make a move on her, now that she was right here, I was having doubts.

  Still, I’d come back in here to do this, hadn’t I? It was time to man the fuck up.

  “Did you forget something?” She leaned toward me, and I suddenly realized we were only a few inches apart. While we’d been this close earlier in the night, this seemed different, felt more… electric, more charged.

  “Yeah.” I took a deep breath as she raked her eyes over me. “Truth is, I came back because I feel like there’s something between us. I might be crazy, but, well, I think you might feel it too.”

  “I’ve seen you looking at me tonight.” She smiled while dropping a hand on her lap. “It was by design.”

  “It was?” I asked, suddenly confused.

  “Yes.” She reached out and took my hand, drawing it toward her as she pulled me back inside. “Do you think I normally forget to wear my bra?”

  “I’m not following?” I said even though I was. At least, I hoped to God I was following.

  “Well, let me make it crystal clear for you.” She placed my hand on her lap before pressing it against her crotch until I could feel the heat of her. “There’s something else I’m not wearing.”


  The shrill cry of the alarm on my phone shocked me from sleep, and as I tried to blink myself awake, I realized I had no fucking clue where I was. I looked around, trying to understand the strange place. As my gaze swept across the expensive hotel room’s interior with its modern art on the walls, sleek furniture, and marble floors, everything came back to me in a rush.

  I’d come here, to the most expensive hotel in our little city and slept in a suite. With my boss. I could still barely believe it’d actually happened. Only, maybe it hadn’t because I was alone in the bed.

  I guess that shouldn’t have surprised me much that the bed was empty. Sitting up and causing the ridiculously soft sheets to slide off my naked body, I looked around. Most of my clothes were strewn across the floor.

  “You’re awake,” Amy said, and as I turned toward the sound of her voice, I saw her standing in the bathroom doorway wearing only my white button up and a smile. It fell just above the middle of her thighs, and as I stared at the exposed flesh in awe, I found myself barely able to concentrate on anything else.

  “I, er, maybe,” I conceded, finally managing to tear my gaze away from her tanned thighs and draw it up her body. “I keep thinking I must be dreaming.”

  “Oh?” she asked, coming toward me all swishing hips, each step revealing a hint of the golden triangle hidden by the edge of my shirt. “Why is that?”

  “Is that a real question?” I asked, shaking my head. “You’re fucking hot, and I’m, well, me.”

  She frowned slightly. “I don’t follow.” She shook her head. “I think you’re just great.” She smiled again. “If anything, I’m the lucky one.” She settled on the bed beside me and laid one hand on my thigh. “Really lucky.” She licked her lips, eyes roving down my body to settle on my crotch.

  My heart hammered in my chest as she ran her hand up my sheet-covered thigh before running her nails along my naked abdomen. “You had so much to offer.” Her cheeks flushed, and her nipples strained against the shirt’s fabric as she looked at me. “More than I ever imagined.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to wrap my head around what was going on. “I, um, thanks, I guess.” I no longer thought I was being punked, but something was definitely off. Really off. I might buy last night what with the two bottles of wine we’d had, but right now, she seemed stone cold sober. And crazily, she seemed to like me. A lot.

  “You’re welcome.” She leaned in close, causing her scent to fill my nose. Part lavender, part sugar, and part something unmistakable female. I felt myself react to it as her tongue flicked out, tasting my earlobe. “Let me show you just how welcome.” Her breath was hot on my neck as she spoke.

  I didn’t have a chance to respond because that was when her other hand dipped under the sheet, grabbing hold of me. The hot caress of her fingers as they wrapped around me tore a gasp from my lips that was silenced by her mouth on mine.

  She kissed me hungrily, mashing her lips into mine as she pushed me backward onto the bed. As the back of my head hit the pillow, she straddled me, effortlessly sliding me into her in one quick motion. The feeling was nearly indescribable, and as the warmth of her hit me in a surge of pleasure, I gasped.

  She moaned, leaning in toward me and grabbing my hands and pressing them against her breasts. I could feel her hard nipples jutting through the thin fabric of my shirt, and as another wave of ecstasy slammed into me, my goddamned alarm went off again.

  At first, I didn’t realize what was going on, and as Amy thrust herself down onto me, content to ignore it, the ringing pinged something strange in the back of my mind. It was a familiar sound, too familiar, and it stirred something in me so visceral that I knew it was important. I just didn’t know why.

  “Ignore it,” she moaned, leaning toward me and kissing my neck, her breasts pressing against my chest as she rose on top of me, inch by excruciating inch. “I’ll make it worth it, I promise.”

  As she hung there in that position, the tip of me barely inside her, I decided she was right, that alarm could go fuck itself. I reached around, grabbing her by the hips and pulled her down on top of me.

  “Good choice,” she half-moaned as pleasure enveloped me. She began to rise in that same infuriating, excruciatingly slow way until I was nearly out of her. Then she thrust herself down on me in one quick motion that buried me to the hilt within her.

  A gasp exploded from me as the alarm started going off again, this time a different, more urgent one, and as I turned toward the phone, Amy grabbed it and flung it across the room. It smacked into the expensive looking couch and lay there, still chirping.

  I stared at it for a moment, more confusion going through me as she grabbed my chin and turned my attention back to her once more.

  “Maybe this will help,” she said, pulling her shirt off and revealing her nearly perfect breasts to me. I barely remembered them from the night before and staring at her dark nipples made me forget nearly everything else. She leaned down toward me, pressing one into my mouth, and as my tongue tasted her, there was a knock at the door.

  “Fuck!” she cried, sitting up and
glaring at the door with absolute fury. “Seriously?”

  “Room service,” the person outside called as the door jiggled before hitting the deadbolt and refusing to open.

  “Did you order room service?” I asked as Amy’s face fell. I didn’t like that look. It made me think she was considering ending our little session.

  “Yes. I thought it’d be nice,” she said, sliding off of me. The movement made me want to cry. “Now it pisses me off.” She glanced down at me as she grabbed the shirt. “Just give me one second, I’ll take care of it.”

  I nodded to her as she pulled the shirt back on and headed for the door, giving me a spectacular view of her ass. That was when my alarm went off for the third time, and I finally realized what it was. The notification to get my ass to class because it started in an hour.

  And I had a quiz.


  Double fuck.

  Leaping from the bed as she answered the door, I grabbed my phone, hoping it was anything but what I thought it was. Unfortunately, I didn’t have that kind of luck.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Amy growled, and I turned to find her staring at me. She had brought the tray of food inside, and it sat atop the silver cart. I’d never even seen her open the door to get it, probably because I’d been too preoccupied.

  “Turning off the alarm, so it doesn’t keep bothering us,” I replied, tossing the phone back down.

  “Good idea.” She pulled her shirt off, letting it fall to the ground. “Now come over here.”

  “That alarm means I’m going to be late for class. I can’t be late, so we have to finish this in an hour.” I sighed, feeling like an idiot as I moved toward. “Is that enough time? I probably should make it if I can, but if not…” It was true. I was doing okay, but there was this super smart kid who aced everything, destroying the class curve. The worst thing was, I knew he didn’t even study. Still, I could miss one quiz. And I would miss one quiz.


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